Sunday 13 May 2012

Under pressure

Oh what a beautiful morning! Even more delightful when I went into the kitchen to make a cup of tea and remembered an almond croissant in the freezer! Gratitude for the splendid sight of power boats streaking through the sparkle of the sea...but no noisy jet skis yet, ha ha!

I give thanks for a pretty good day yesterday despite various pains and health problems. Extreme gratitude that my hands and wrists, at least, were functioning quite well and I was able to finish the block of squares and stripes for the cot blanket that I was working on last week and also make a start on the amended sleeve pattern for the cardigan. I think my version of the hem looks much prettier than the original...but pride may well come before a dropped stitch or two...

I give thanks for remembering to check for news on this year’s local air show as it turns out it will be in June this year not August and it’s just over the headland I’d have probably thought we were under airborne attack if I’d not known... I thought I might have been active enough to go in August but June’s a bit soon... How about we start a petition for the display to start with a rescue helicopter picking me up from my flat window and gently dropping me down on the hillside above the Smuggler’s? I’d be up for it... literally and metapohorically and I’m sure the crowd would appreciate the personal touch! We could even recreate the Solvite ad by means of those supergluey pouches I’m recovering from... well, maybe not but I give thanks, as ever, for my best memory of the show, up there with Bob watching a Red Arrow apparently about to impale us on its pointy nose before swooping up over our heads.

I give thanks for seeing the humour in wearing out the batteries in my blood pressure cuff and, after an hour or so scrabbling around, finding that I have none up to the job. To begin with it was a tad frustrating but then you just have to go with the flow eh? I’m already suffering from divine retribution/karma/sod’s law (delete as appropriate according to your spiritual tendencies) for feeling slightly superior to overweight overindulgent people for years, as I’ve discovered you can get high blood pressure through the malfunction of your kidneys as well as your willpower... I’m supposed to be on a programme of timed measurement to help them decide how best to treat it but that will have to pause until the Tesco delivery tomorrow. I’ve kind of run out of self help ideas as I already do all the things you’re supposed to...including eating so much garlic that the GP actually didn’t take my blood when I asked her not to!

I give thanks too for the ‘late running’ in my day that this has caused (indiscernible to the untrained eye!) as I by the time I’m washed and dressed and ready to do something it’ll be time to watch the Grand Prix.

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