Saturday 26 May 2012

Space and light

Wow! They meant it when they said the wind would get up didn't they? Lots of white flecks on the sea when the breeze began yesterday late afternoon but so many and so well defined against the deep blue sea I had to watch for a while just to be sure they weren't actually tiny boat sails! Delight in the sight and in the a weather report being accurate...I always read them but in a similar spirit to horoscopes, you know? Gratitude too for the wooshing sound of the wind during the night. It doesn't howl so much in the summer as the leaves 'soften the blow'...well that's how it works in my logic anyway... And it was both pleasantly warm and pleasantly empty when I spent an hour in the gardens this afternoon.

I also give thanks for...Peter taking a big bag of cardboard to the recycling for me (forgot to mention that before). Hate throwing things away and love it when people help me dispose of them sensibly...

...and the 'seed art' jar. This might seem rather odd, but I like to have mixed small seeds around to use in food...sunflower and sesame, poppy and linseed...they make a great topping for veg for instance mixed with cheese and melted in the oven. When the little jar I keep them in is empty I put the new ones in in layers and they look so pretty! Actually Carol is not alone in thinking I'm strange for liking things neat and tidy although I'm far from obsessive or fanatical and love shaking the seed jar up too when I first go to use them again! I really do get a kick out of things being 'in the right place', a curious and very individual concept that in my case is a mixture of aesthetics, practicality and common sense with the odd whiff of feng shui in the air...The hoarder disorder (rather poetic name for it!) therapist currently on Channel 4 with his clients calls mess, muddle and chaos 'visual noise' and for some of us it's not a pleasant one. We prefer more harmonious sight-sounds.

I'm grateful that the unexpected bag leaks I've had happen in the last twenty four hours have only happened at fairly convenient times(ie. not in bed or in a public place) but I'd still rather they didn't and will be on the phone for some more advice on Monday. I'm also grateful, in the circumstances, that I have nothing outside and sociable to I'm finding it hard to trust the incontinence angel to constantly *stick* by my side.

Gratitude too for clean after-shower skin on a hot day... and the rainbows scattering across the surfaces of my living room when I open the curtains on a sunny morning and the crystals hanging in the window spin...I give thanks that Carol's been getting high so to speak...Oh, and though I'm not a rampantly patriotic sports fan watching the British men's gymnastics team polish off their first European gold ever beating other countries you would be convinced would win....well that was pretty special too. French Open starts tomorrow...shorter posts will be resumed!

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