Thursday 24 May 2012


I've been spinning out the last episodes of The Bridge. I don't want it to end but I'm grateful for the entertainment it has given me... Something that puzzles me in both that and this week's CSI is people inside at night with the lights on and nothing covering huge expanses of ground floor glass. I feel vulnerable without the curtains drawn in the evening and I live on the second and half (high ceilinged) floor. Mind you if there was a thirty foot person outside then I might well be at risk!

I give thanks for the 3D greenness of the really rather near young tree outside my window now covered in almost full leaves and the bigger older trees on the other side of the lawn showing in the gaps between them. I give thanks the for the wonderful range of iris colours in a garden nearby...all the blues and purples you can think of plus white, yellow and a sort of pinky green.

I give thanks for another sunny day though am a little wistful that various things kept me from being out in it more. I'm very grateful that one of those things was acupuncture and I feel slightly less frazzled by life.

I give thanks that despite the courier ignoring the delivery instructions and letting some random person take in (and keep so far) my medical supplies I still have some bags I can use and don't have to walk round wearing a washing up bowl. And I'm sincerely grateful that the bag I was wearing today didn't decide to randomly start leaking til after I was home and had relaxed with an ice cream.

I'm grateful that the Tesco man has been and I can just have biscuits for tea if I like. I'm so tired I might well do so!


  1. Your image of a 30ft person outside your window gave me quite a giggle, and I'm so with you about the glass thing, I thought she looked a bit like a gold fish walking around!

    Wish I could join you for tea & biscuits. Hope you enjoy them

    Lynn x

  2. Angel a few posts back there was a comment from Lynn about trying the Redbush Tea and liking it, well you have two more converts living in Cornwall. I bought some, and gave a cup with trepidation to my daughter last weekend, she called again today on the way back from the hospital, I offered her a cup of tea and she asked could she have Redbush, you could have knocked me down with a feather! Have bought Pukka original Chai today, and you have already converted me to the Three Tulsi when you sent me some 'flowers' when I was in Hospital. Nothing boring about tea at mine, they just have so much choice!
    Glad the weather is being kind to you, and you are feeling so much improved most of the time. Love and gentle hugs Pat xx

  3. Isn't tea wonderful??
    i've never enjoyed looking at so many variations of something so much before!! Honestly, i'm loving trying them all. Feel a little bit guilty about it now, but when my mam was here her cupboards were full of every weird and wonderful tea you could imagine, and I was forever turning my nose up at them thinking how 'odd' she was haha, just think if i'd kept them all!! i'd be saving myself a fortune!

    Lynn x

  4. She'd be pleased to see you carrying on the tradition now though!


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