Wednesday 15 August 2012

And why not?

This morning I give thanks for rain, rain, wonderful rain...It's a perfect backing track to turning over in bed and groaning! I give thanks for a letter from Kostas, saying what a treat it was to get soaked to the skin in it during yard time...and for being matched with a penfriend with whom communication is so easy. Well done Human Writes/the cosmos...or whatever it was! I'm fairly confident it will clear up by the time I have to go out...if not, well I'll just have to get a cab to the doctors and wear a hoodie to the hairdressers, neither of which are especially bad plans anyway! Gratitude for finally getting up and doing my morning practices and then getting the random idea of having three Oms on a shirt instead of lions...

I give thanks that my special crochet hook has arrived. It's not as cushiony as I thought but I can tell it'll be easier that the normal sort and there's still other fancier versions to try. And I've just discovered some IMAK gloves on special offer. They are the funkiest looking arthritis gloves I have found and they are cotton lycra so hopefully my skin's aversion to encasement in unnatural fibres will be appeased. They also come in extra small which is 'handy' for my dainty little mitts...I'm grateful to Lush for the free face mask recycling scheme, to Janet for a discount on my green dry cleaning and to Jan for agreeing to have a go at making some earrings I'd like that even compression gloves can't help me with.

Oh, and for finding this massive hydrangea head face down in the road, a victim of the hedge trim fest I guess...I stuck it back in the hedge so at least passers can admire it while it fades...

Gratitude to Positive News for bringing us this encouraging tale

and Darkroastedblend for this unusual fish net footage (nothing burlesque related!)

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