Wednesday 22 August 2012

It's life, Jim

Today I give thanks for getting better at being physically still... 'Poetically' still? Swype suggested on my phone...gratitude for the smile that produced too! Often, like last night, I wake from a log like state, uncomfortable in some way and seek to change this. Over the last few tubular years I've got used to the fact I can no longer leap (frog like?) from the bed, and now I'm trying to learn that if gently rearranging myself doesn't ease the pain it's unlikely repeatedly writhing and wriggling will be of any help. I'm still working on keeping my mind still, but I try to practise that too...

And from my stillness, I give thanks for the sounds of life around me, various kinds of creatures of the night making their noises, traffic (not very much I'm pleased to say), the odd train or plane, dogs and cats and their owners going through their evening routines...the settling down and the winding up again for another day.

Today I'm grateful that, eventually, I went out to where these are found though not always posing so photogenically.
No, not Australia...guess again!

It's not a place I make a habit of going even though it's only a few minutes away by bus and just a few minutes to the bus stop - even at the pace I move at these days. There's little about it that appeals to me although clearly it's popular with others, so I give thanks that the people to whom its charms appeal congregate there instead of milling around where I prefer to be. I always come away very grateful that I live here...but today I went to check out how feasible a boat trip from there might be as the bus stops a few paces from the jetty. There are trips from here of course but cabs would have to be involved to get to the departure point and some of the best ones go rather earlier than is comfortable for me... So I'm pleased to report that my excursion was not in vain and it looks as if an outing might be possible another day.

I give thanks for continuing to endeavour to build up my stamina even though, so far, it seems as if every day I try I seem to lose at least another to recovery. I'm grateful for my easy freezy tea cooking and that when I've clicked 'publish post' I can eat it and do very little at all...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gabi, lovin the black swans of course. They are indigenous to Western Australia, but not a common sight around the city unless you know where to look. Sorry to hear you have been feeling unwell of late, I really hope you get your mojo back soon. Juanita xx


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