Tuesday 7 August 2012

Isles of wonder

Still in slight shock at the distance covered yesterday (and still mostly bed-based recovering!) I give thanks nonetheless for a largely pleasant outing. There are parts of the south west coast I do rather wish weren't here sometimes but if they weren't all the people who seem to enjoy them just the way they are might fill up the nicer places in between! It's always rather a shock to my system to realise how many folks there are in the world...millions of versions of 'life' and so many so far removed from those we think we understand. I give thanks to Paul Weller for confirming the feeling that the more I see the more I know, and the more I know the less I understand and to Van Morrison for reminding me comfortingly that we're all strangers in this world (Carol will probably nod sagely at this!), it's just that we choose different ways to kid ourselves that we belong. It's a mystery to me how 'for the sake of argument' became a lifestyle choice rather than a phrase used to start a hypothetical statement but you have to try to respect other's choices and resist the temptation to intervene, or they'll probably start arguing with you. A woman clearly unhappy about much of the world was making a big fuss in the cafe yesterday about how silly it was to have 'free range sausages' on a menu. There's no such thing she was shouting, sausages don't run around a farm. I'm grateful I didn't give into the urge to shout back that neither do eggs!

I give thanks for my excellent skills at creating 'compilation tapes'...even though we do it digitally now and call it other things that's still what it is folks. It's a whole lot easier now you don't have to find the right stripe on the vinyl and and press and hold record though! Isn't lovely when you hear things you loved years ago and love them still? Funnily enough I added Tubular Bells to my travelling playlist a few months ago...so it was quite strange when I realised the Isles of Wonder team had too!

I give thanks for the prospect of a lazy day when I do gentle things. I haven't cooked a meal since I got home so there isn't even much washing up!


  1. Yes, I did nod.....not sure how 'sagely' my nod was though.....well done for resisting to shout out when the silly woman talk of wandering sausages!
    (Although my mind now sees a sea of green with individual eggs and sausages, enjoying the slides and swings.............), lol!

  2. Very thoughtful and in a strange way soothing!!apart from worrying about free range eggs n sausages on the loose ? : /


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