Saturday 13 October 2012


Amazing light yesterday evening, the eastern sky charcoal dark with rain cloud but a sliver of open sky allowing the last of the sun to turn the trees to glow lemon yellow. Overhead, briefly, everything was pink. Very grateful to be looking out of the windows just then... I'm grateful a 'therapeutic' day looking of epic wtf picture viewing and snack food. Mostly I advocate positivity, purity and purposefulness but, sometimes abandoning them for a while seems to be required. I give thanks for a better night's sleep and that I found energy, appetite and inclination to make pancakes for my brunch...

Doping scandals, groping scandals, flare ups about cover a way what's new? But personally I think the current crowd surge to the moral high ground has got to be good if it helps anyone think twice about doing what they really should not do. Most of us, if no one is likely to see or find out who minds, commit acts they know at least some of the people some of the time believe are wrong....even if it's just pick their nose behind the newspaper!  Growing up in an environment where things like picking your nose or elbows on the table were severely frowned upon, but blind eyes turned to abuse and neglect, I learnt early you have to decide for yourself what is 'good' and 'bad' as the powers that be around you may not have a clue, or they may have forgotten that the real rules, the obvious rules - call them karma, divine retribution or cause and effect - inevitably eventually apply to them as well, even if they have big money, big guns, big smiles or big whatever gets other people to let you have your way...

Do as you would, and would have your loved ones be done by...and while you're at it, do to yourself as you would have others do to you...simples.

I'm delighted with these ceramic knobs I got to go on the folding doors in my hall. Can't fix them properly without a drill/hands that can use a drill so this is just 'mocked up' for now and falls down every so often if actually put to use. That's knobs for you I guess!

1 comment:

  1. Angel,
    Very attractive door knob indeed, I have a bi-fold door on my shower room; been there since 2007 still in the state it was bought from Wickes & fitted, yep still manufacturer's primed! But as the theme is beach scene in the shower room, I am thinking rope pulls. Unfortunately the ventilation is by Velux, and when the weather is good outside I am in the garden, and when its inclement can't have the ventilation needed for painting. Bit thin I know, but it will get done dreckly. Been waiting 2 yrs for a builder I know to come and do some jobs, reminded him again yesterday, laughing he said "dreckly Pat, dreckly"
    Love and gentle hugs Pat xx


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