Friday 12 October 2012

Light and shade

I heart Thursdays... if I was in charge there would be two or three a week!

Yesterday's trip to town turned into a bit of a Snickers as when I went down to look at the sea (in 'golden ticket' glasses from Specsavers...what a great promotional idea that was, eh?) I realised the pier was open. 
Reasonably enough they shut it if weather doesn't permit but, they'd just decided the weather was, temporarily at least, permissive enough. It was so beautiful in the mizzly drizzle watching the play of low clouds on the contours of the coastline and sun shafts making stripes of grey sea silver. They'd missed a trick not opening the cafe but I could see Eastcliff's flags flying, too far away for comfort but too appealing to resist! I love that you can sit outside there but under kind of bliss!

I give thanks acupuncture and for shelter afterwards during a brief downpour in the cheese shop and therefore buying Kalamata olives and some delicious dark chocolate topped gingerbread biscuits as well as the gorgonzola I'd gone in for...and for how jolly everyone was that I met.

Last night I suffered a nasty attack of wishing things had been different for me. It happens sometimes and I just go with it when it does. I don't beat myself up about feeling that life has beaten me up a bit. It has. This being ill business is just the latest in a long line of stuff for which I'm not really particularly grateful. When I was a kid a social worker told me that my experiences would help me become a more rounded person. I don't know about that - I reckon I've still got rather a lot of rough edges for people to scrape themselves on and that's why they keep away - but I do know that missing out on the things that seem to be big and important in life can make you appreciate the little special ones that sometimes get overlooked. If I had chums to come and cheer me up I wouldn't be able listen to the hiss of the wind in the crisping leaves for one thing! I am very lucky in many ways, including knowing the ways in which I'm not - and being OK with them.

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