Thursday 11 October 2012

Power play

Well, I was going to catch up with the first part of the Welcome to India documentary having missed both watching it and recording it last week. It's good to remind ourselves what cushy lives we tend to live over here I think, but iplayer wouldn't play so I watched the Kenny Everett biography which I had recorded. First thing that struck me (bearing in mind I watched Exposure on Jimmy Savile the night before) was the culture that prevailed thought it more acceptable for men to molest under age girls than consort with other adult men. I grew up in those days and knew both gay men who felt vulnerable and straight men who used their power to take advantage so this wasn't exactly a revelation, but I wondered what we vilify now that we might tolerate in times to come, or equally, what we think is fine and dandy at the moment that in future we'll condemn... history shows there have been many changes of opinion over time, and all pretty much inconceivable before their time... Anyway I enjoyed the trip down my own memory lane, the casting of well known characters superb and, having only ever found an 11 yr old classmate called Jenny MacGeorge and Simon Pegg share my birth date I was fascinated that Lee Everett did. There aren't many of us because we're special!

This morning I give thanks for windows. You can see what's outside and shut out what you don't want in...brilliant idea really! What's outside is very dark today...I'd just decided to turn a light on when I realised the power was off. It's back on now but I give thanks for heads up on what useful stuff electricity can be...

I give thanks that, entertaining though I find them, the rain and wind have died down and the sun is out as I have to be too... I got the power!

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