Saturday 5 January 2013

Phone home

I'm grateful I've been technically up and about and even slightly active today... Grateful for a little light housework done including (mostly) desparkling the carpets (gets everywhere glitter, doesn't it?) and taking some recycling down to the bins. If my deckies were still up I'd be debating if it were today or tomorrow I'm supposed to take them down so I did my nearest equivalent and caught up with this year's QI Christmas special instead...when they debated if it were 5th or 6th you were supposed to...

I give thanks for the programme's seasonal jollity, likewise for the 'raw' humour in Simon Amstell's Numb and, to balance the tone, for Satish Kumar's uplifting autobiography of pilgrimage. For a bit of knitting and a lot of sitting...

I'm grateful I have a little more of an appetite, and some easy food for my tea, for the lights of the vessels twinkling in the bay as darkness falls...I give thanks for my cooker, my TV, my bath and my bed! Oh, and the app on my tablet phone to enable me to tell you with minimum effort...

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