Monday 14 January 2013

Ups and downs

Today I'm giving more thanks for more sorting and clearing...especially for getting my bedroom back to the state of welcoming serenity it was in before Christmas domestic rearrangements... (for 'rearrangements' read mess!)

For the soft graduation of colours in the sky as darkness fell...and that it's still not completely fallen at 5.10pm

For some Amazon ordering glitches unglitched

For the sight of a neighbour's scampering cat with periscope tail accompanying her and her dog on a morning constitutional around the communal gardens

For this news story about some amazing 'lumpy tablet' technology - keys on a touchscreen not medication that's hard to swallow! Also this strange tale from Germany which, after hearing the puppy seemed to be OK, did raise an eyebrow and a chuckle...

1 comment:

  1. i cleaned cleared? ready for christmas then had to pack christmas away n messed it all up again??so now have to REALLY get rid of stuff ive hoarded for yrs its meant to be good for us to do it ? but its getting started : )


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