Tuesday 2 July 2013


What comes into your head when you hear or see '1001'? Do you think carpet cleaner? Arabian tales? Poems or fonts or any one of probably 1001 things that are sometimes grouped that way?

Today, in my own head, I have the wonder of one thousand and one blog posts as it's the thousand and first you're reading. Who would have thought it, eh? There's many folk might consider it's easily nine hundred and ninety five too many but hey, if nothing else, it gives the ones who don't actually want to talk to me a chance to check that I'm alive now and then discreetly from a distance! I'm grateful for keeping up the practice anyhow, acquiring the habit of accumulation of appreciation along the way.

Today I'm thankful also for that fine soft rain, just right for freshening up the greenery. For Flhair the hairdressers for being used to me, my unruly mop and my curious contentment with it! For the fact that they were running late so I could loiter in their new spacious and comfortable reception area with a cup of coffee brought to me - just what I needed after a busy morning getting bloods done and so on.

I've had gratitude for more stitching challenges risen to (whilst sitting down of course!) and for a man with a kind voice saying 'Leave it with me, I'll see what I can do' about another. One is not unaware of the dangers of false hope...but it's not false hope I'm giving thanks for rather the real feeling of simply hearing those words spoken to me.

I'm grateful to hear too that Bob's move has gone well and that it sounds like a positive change, and for news of Juanita in her comment. Not unmitigatedly good news but nonetheless good to hear from her and that she sounds well in spirit if not so much in body now.

1 comment:

  1. congratulations for your 1001 blog day,how you put together such interesting snippets ,clever wording and interesting stories plus pictures ,should be made into a book ,i for one would buy it ,thankyou so much Gabi !!!!


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