Friday 12 July 2013

Watching the pennies

On Monday I've an appointment to see a consultant about my vision after a physiotherapist suggested a contributory factor to the wobble when I walk and failure to grasp objects successfully might be my squint. I've always had a bit of one but apparently they often occur after a stroke and certainly mine's got worse. One of the reasons I'm grateful I've made it to remission is that it means the physical problems I've picked up along the way mostly through treatment (my phone wrote 'torment' - can't argue with that!) are now having some attention paid to them...

I've not been to this hospital before but I give thanks that there seems to be a bus from the station at the other end. It goes by an Argos so I'm umming and aahing about getting off and getting a new camera since mine is still refusing to do anything but take pictures. It could be I could get prints from the card but that's not what I have a camera for. Nowadays it's mostly for illustrating my blog but people tell me they appreciate that so I'm grateful I have a little money put by for a sunny day and should be able to get something that'll do the job fairly cheaply there. I'm grateful I don't have a lot to spend because orthoptist or not I can easily drop a camera or smart phone no matter what it costs! Last time I dropped my Streak even the people who mend them couldn't fix it...we all had to sit around hoping for a miracle and, I'm grateful to say, one happened in the end! Oh, and I give thanks for remembering reading a Mary Renault book where someone sent for supplies to Argos and my brow furrowed for a moment until I realised what they meant...

I'm also grateful I don't base my diet around meat. I caught the end of a programme about eating on a tight budget yesterday and they were going on about chicken being the cheapest protein and talking as if lentils were a sort of insult to injury penance food for the poor and elderly without private pensions. I'm not going to rant. There's lots of places you can go to hear a rant (including inside your own head perhaps?) and that's not what this blog is for. I will say the thought of lentils made my mouth water though and I've some soaking for a dhal tomorrow. I give much thanks for that.

Today I've been very very tired and haven't done a lot at all. There's been some progress on a pair of shorts from bargain basement fabric. I thought it looked different in different lights but realised this afternoon it is actually darker near one selvedge than the other so the backs of them don't quite match the front. I'm grateful I don't care!

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