Tuesday 23 July 2013

Garden of earthly delights

Phew! Another busy day...I'm grateful for all achieved and for not beating myself up for what has not been! The charity shop dress was washed last night and I give thanks it's still mild so it dried and could be assessed for re-modelling when I'd finally persuade my creaky joints to prepare launch me upwards out of bed and then on to my knees for grovelling with pins and scissors. As the bodice and button panel were beyond redemption, I went for the simple option of creating a waist and elasticating it and now have a pretty new skirt for which I'm very grateful as the print I find very pleasing.

I also have some lovely new earrings courtesy of Jan's patient interpretation of the design ideas that still flit around my head even though I have neither the beads not the manual dexterity to make them myself any more. I'm very grateful I bought some materials from her when I was still able to use them and found out what a very kindly and helpful soul she is. I'm grateful to Laura too for coming round at the right time to make enthusiastic noises. We all like a bit of validation no and then don't we?

I'm grateful the ear drops prescribed yesterday are doing the trick and my ear is becoming less painful. I read about a survey the other day regarding people's perceptions of the trustworthiness of doctors according to what they wore. Suits with shirt and tie were preferred by many for the men, as you might imagine, but I've had some poor judgement calls from medical males in authoritative dress and am cautious of the false claims of formal attire myself. I knew of a gynaecologist who wore cowboy boots who went down well (no, that doesn't sound right!) whom his patients appreciated, and a female oncologist who I complimented on her summery dress one fine day explained she'd rather not wear dark glum colours as she often had to give bad news and felt a pretty print lightened the mood. I give thanks for those who know there are more vital things to adhere to than a dress code!

Although it may seem strange (me? strange?) I give great thanks for all the times that pain and fatigue make me stop. Stop what? Anything! Yes, I'm sure you could challenge me on the precise accuracy of 'anything'... but I've been rather aware lately of the essential littleness of all our lives and how caught up we become in the illusions of bigness we get from objects, actions, outcomes, and association with others. When you cease your efforts to gain, achieve or win or do, even for a little while, what's truly magnificent is easier to recognise...

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