Tuesday 30 July 2013

Pottering about

I had great difficulty getting out of my bed today...I'm very grateful for all the adventures and experiences I'm having but they are very tiring too!

Today, grey with rain, we went on a quest to find an exhibition of pottery we'd seen advertised earlier in the week and found ourselves in a beautifully lush and surprisingly alternatively orientated valley (for France) with solar panels, polytunnels etc in evidence. There we met an animated Breton activist who showed us photos of the druid wedding ceremonies he performed and the accoutrements of his calling, and were served tea and home made Breton cake (all organic) by his friendly wife in their fascinating tavern/gallery/shop/home. I give thanks for a very special memory made!

Later, back on the road more travelled we went to a place renowned for its artist inspiring prettiness, and were delighted to discover it really was as picturesque as it was supposed to be! I was grateful there were only a few spots of rain by then but that it remained still cool and overcast as this, I'm sure, kept the crowds down and meant we could enjoy it all the more. Special mention to the gallery showing embroidered art beyond compare and probably the most delicious patisserie cakes ever. True.

I'm grateful for a design your own pizza tea, a great idea by this evening's caterers, a warm bath...and, when I've finished this, some much needed sleep!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds very beautiful. Hope many more happy memories are to come.


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