Sunday 28 July 2013

Rest of the day

It's very unusual for me to spend so much time not alone. And with so many other people for so much of the Certainly not for thirty years or so anyways. I give thanks for being invited, for being with such pleasant folk and for finding it such a pleasant experience sharing experiences. Particularly for me the sharing of responsibility for planning and preparation of food has been a joy...and the communal eating and clearing up that follows! I give thanks that the meal Laura and I made went down well despite being meat free, and that the dessert we provided for others to create was a great success as well...

On arrival I was much taken with this sign outside from my window and it seemed as if today would indeed be a rest day as it was so wild and wet first thing but by evening it transpired we'd all had adventures to suit our tastes and the weather had been fairly kind. I'm grateful for some serendipitous ingredient shopping despite so few places being open and all the wonderful music Laura and I heard, the dances we watched and fabulously embroidered traditional costumes we saw on the last day of the festival de Cornouaille. That something so utterly to our preferences and interests was scheduled to happen while we were visiting was a piece of incredible good fortune and I give great thanks for the coincidence and all the memories to treasure. Also for a much needed early night!

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