Friday 11 October 2013

Better out than in

I give thanks for pretty clouds yesterday evening giving way to a clear and starry sky.

Gratitude too for a kindly passing neighbour and his daughter stopping to chat to me until my taxi came so I didn't have to wait in the dark on my own, and for a great comment from a women I'd not met before who said she sang in three different local choirs...I'd not seen her at the one I go to and when I mentioned it's name she said 'Oh no, they're too weird!' Classic foot in mouth perhaps but also highlighting one of the reasons I wanted to join! Great thanks for living somewhere where a 'weird' choir practices just down the road...

For a most enjoyable night, lots of laughter...and jaw dropped astonishment at our hastily assembled and lightweight team beating all but the full contingent of in house quizzers in a variety of rounds including guessing the flavour of the crisps and putting Blue Peter presenters in order of appearance, as well as more regular general knowledge questions. I'd hoped I might put Laura off inviting me to quizzes once and for all demonstrating my lack of aptitude but methinks I may have failed in this endeavour.

Today I've been rather poorly...and nothing stronger than decaff cappuccino my lips, so it's not what you might be thinking but I've been flat out on the sofa sipping mint green tea and sleeping the hours away. I give thanks for plain biscuits which are all my nursemaid self could be bothered to provide for my invalid self (who proved quite ungrateful anyway!) and for not giving a whatever about the chores or even the creative projects, an attitude which I know many can manage without any bodily malfunction but it takes quite a bit to make me this laissez faire.

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