Wednesday 9 October 2013

Round about here

Last night I gave thanks for the sleep I had, despite disturbances from various pains...ones in my body, ones with equipment malfunction and ones in the next street coming home noisily in the early morning! I had great dreams in the in between times...such as going to a big party on a boat with the people I met on the ORCA trip and seeing manta rays flying out of the water, so I was grateful for those too.

I give thanks for Cawston apple and ginger juice...very tasty and even though I think they spell it differently it always reminds me of Midsomer Murders too!

And I'm grateful for the way our country works. No, it's not a's just something I was thinking about in the awake times last night. We tend to be so quick to share our complaints about the infrastructure and services and transport systems, privatised and otherwise, and I'm certainly not saying some of it's not broke and in some need of fixing, but I genuinely give thanks for all the times that we get treatment for an ailment, a package or a bus arrives on time or our rubbish gets taken away...

Today I was also grateful that I managed to get an appointment for a doctor to look in my ears. It happened to be at the same time as the appointment to have my hair trimmed, which was clearly the less important of the two but the financially the most ouchy to decline with just 90 mins notice, so I was even more grateful when Chris said she wouldn't charge me as I was 'poorly'. I was almost ungrateful when the doctor ushered me in bang on the dot as I'd been listening to the end of an fascinating play whilst looking at a interesting knitting magazine which was possibly the best waiting room experience ever! But the consultation was short and to the point and I was back out on the pavement again so soon I popped round the corner to see if they'd filled my slot at the salon...and they hadn't and fitted me back in very graciously and kindly for which I gave great thanks again...

Oh, and for the almost airbrushed looking sea and clouds this morning. I imagined if I rested the camera on the window frame the horizon would be level. Clearly this was not the case!

1 comment:

  1. I often moan about this country and what I would change, but in saying that I wouldn't want to live anywhere else either, I think we're very lucky in lots of ways!

    I remember being stuck in a magazine in a doctors waiting room once, when my name was called, so I asked if I could take it with me, and put the cost of the mag in their charity box? She was more than happy! Everyone a winner! :)


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