Friday 4 October 2013

Bright and shiny

Woke up this morning before it was light and couldn’t get back to sleep for a long while…I was even thinking of actually getting up and getting on with something, when I fell soundly, deeply asleep again and stayed so til late morning. So, when I was finally conscious enough to start the day properly I caught sight of myself in the hall mirror and thought ‘Wow, I look really different…kind of younger and prettier…why?’ Then I realised the dark circles under my eyes were gone. So I give thanks for what was, I suppose, one of the random temporary after effects of acupuncture. You never know what they might be, last week my tinnitus disappeared for a few days and I’d be sitting there with my head cocked listening for it as if maybe it was just out of earshot.  Very strange!

I give thanks for the bright and shiny day which encouraged me, eventually, to go out and get some yarn and fabric I saw last week and wasn’t sure about…until I was home and they were a bus ride away. It can be hard for a crafty minded person not to hoard so I give thanks for the initial restraint.  Was in magpie mode today though and came back with all sorts of irresistible items, though all having in common being light on the purse strings and bag handles of course…

I give thanks for the cheerful and patient bus driver, the pretty views on the journey and the Imee Ooi music on my headphones; for restorative tea and savoury scone in a bustling but calm café, for a quiet flat evening (too tired even to unpack the shopping!); for left over cheesey, hazelnutty thing from last night so I only needed to heat it up and slap some salad things on a plate and for persuading my internet to work again after it went AWOL for a while.

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