Monday 28 October 2013

Now then now then

Well, round here that was a bit of a storm in a tea cup and I'm grateful really for little damage and no injuries but, human nature being so easily drawn to the drama of anticipation of crisis, I admit to a little disappointment after all the dire warnings too, don't you?

I was grateful the buses were running to get me to my hospital appointment though I would have been equally grateful if they hadn't been and I could have stayed in bed! Much gratitude for the stunning views of sea and countryside and moor on the journey though, the big ships sheltering in the bay and the rain always being somewhere else... Oh and for an interesting fellow passenger - a rather elderly gent with a sensible padded coat, crutch and a shopping trolley. The shopping trolley was in a striking animal print though, and his white hair had been dyed in splodges of purple and turquoise blue. I would have been even more grateful to know why...I think!

I give thanks for some developments in matters that have been seriously testing my aspiration to equanimity, but having finished the last of that yummy lentil stew I'm about to polish off the remaining apricot crumble and don't want to interrupt my gratitude for that by elaborating just now. Besides they're only developments. Everything is always in a state of the time you have described a thing it's already become something else. I am grateful for knowing this right now...though now just has become then again!

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