Saturday 14 March 2015

Mail's pace

Physio wisdom for those with a fluctuating health condition is to pace yourself when you have a "good" day in case you wear yourself out and have a bad day to follow...but any patient I've ever met with fibromyalgia, ME or the like knows you can have ninety three bad days in a row for no obvious reason and when there's an OK one you want to use every last moment of it you can!

I give thanks for less joint and tendon pain at least for a few days this week, and thus getting more done with less fatigue. I'm grateful yesterday evening, even though the phase was coming to a close, keeping right on going right to the end and having a clean and tidy of the living room and kitchen so that when I eventually left the bedroom it would be comfier to do little today. I'm also grateful for starting a knitting idea as well, even though it's the kind where you can't wait to do the next row and see how the pattern progresses. This makes for very sore hands but plenty of motivation so that I keep going back to it whenever I feel I can do a little bit more...pacing myself I suppose!

I'm grateful for rummaging around in the back of the fridge for things to eat...and that this is a less risky business if you're not a carnivore. I'm grateful for the washing machine doing the washing for me, and the TV programmes I recorded sending me to sleep. I'm grateful I've not made it to the Post Office so don't know if there was any Mother's Day mail for me...

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