Tuesday 28 April 2015

Know what I mean?

In a moment of misplaced vanity I bought a hairdryer last week, and although it's still not been out of its box for styling purposes I gave thanks for it yesterday evening when I discovered the over frosted freezer door had been left open a smidge and wouldn't close! I'm grateful to Rachel for helping me affect an emergency repair - to the state of the freezer and to my body and soul...

I'm grateful she cooked me some quick tea too (including delicious allotment grown mixed perennial leaves!l) and that Laura is has offered to make something for me tonight. I give thanks for knowing it's best not to slip too deep into delusions of popularity...and that there's still plenty to eat up in the freezer over the next few days before it gets a proper sort out.

I'm grateful to Jenny for cleaning the flat, especially the now sparkly windows... and for spending the afternoon looking out of closed eyelids instead, after a little more work on library embellishments.

I'm grateful when I was sad last night for remembering to ask the cosmos to help me be kind to other people and to try to spread joy. People can struggle with that when they're sad, and I don't want to be one who is mean.

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