Thursday 26 November 2015

Brain med

OK, way too much pain to think of much today...but it dawns on me as I assemble a few memories of the more pleasant moments of the last twenty four hours that there's a kind of connection between them...

I give thanks for saving for later the book about the woman in a hospice dying of cancer and surplus to requirements love, and choosing instead the one about the social misfit who is advised that despite their weirdness they might still be just right for someone had a happy ending which is never just right for me, but a suitably unconventional one to appeal to my own weirdness.

I give thanks that sometimes, as when I got into bed last night, pain reaches a level when my brain just cuts out and I fall asleep and I give thanks that I woke up this morning feeling strangely as if all was right in my world. I was wondering why it might be that I'm so fortunate in the first way, and whether it might be connected to the second. I give thanks for coming across this article which suggests maybe I've just had lots of practice at producing the right chemicals!

I give thanks for finding a little plum velour skater dress on eBay 'for the party season'. As usual I don't actually have any parties to go to, no works outings, festive get togethers or even special nights in, but I always say it's a good job I don't as I don't have a thing to now I can tempt fate by imagining I'd look tempting! I give thanks that 99p plus p&p was quite a bargain price for the feeling...

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