Saturday 28 November 2015

Filo my love

I give thanks for Mima's company, hospitality and chauffeuring...for admitting to each other a secret penchant for the lightweight but scenic TV series The Coroner...filmed not far from here of course!

I give thanks for a bit of bubbliness at bathtime...

I give thanks for less pain today, sticking to plan A and getting some Christmas gifts and fresh tasty treats in the markets and nearby shops

I give thanks for hearing a car engine not far away turn over, splutter and backfire...being puzzled enough to investigate and discovering a would be Lomax driver trying to coax his out of his drive. I didn't know what a Lomax I give thanks for the internet for telling me

I give thanks for spinach and feta pie from the Greek deli yesterday and a goat's cheese, garlic mushroom and rocket one from a stall today, both wrapped up in delicious flaky filo pastry. For catching quali... F1 doesn't float my boat the way it used to, but I love seeing the lights come on at Yas Marina. For a nice bit of doubles play by the Murray brothers...

I give thanks it's a different set of neighbours being almost unbearably noisy today...hopefully last Saturday's culprits are listening horrified! For headphones, earplugs...perseverance...

I give thanks to Amanda for sharing a link to 'Jenny' auditioning for a new Graham Norton show...Unlike pretty much everyone else in the known universe I'm utterly unmoved by Adele's latest single (except for shots of the phone box in the wood in the video)...but this bit of tomfoolery is a delight.

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