Monday 29 May 2017

Must press on

I give thanks for almost finishing the ironing last night as today the iron wouldn't work. For trying all the usual things - different socket, different fuse etc and for valiantly attempting to get inside the case and check the wiring but to no avail (so far!) I give thanks for constantly reminding myself while all this was going on that the smell of burning was coming from the bonfire outside and not related at all!

I give thanks for the couple in the bottom flat having a busy weekend doing it themselves. They're improving their bathroom which innvolves raising the floor in a cupboard in the hall. All visible signs of the place being on the up gratefuly received...

I give thanks for pottering about with pre-view cleaning, pre-move sorting out, pre-preparing Cluesday Tuesday crosswords...all satisfying stuff without being especially arduous.

For hearing from folk on their travels and believing my time will come (again). For being warm enough without a lot of clothes many months of the year I'm hunched and bundled up against the cold and it's as if something comes unknotted inside when the temperature rises, even if it's not actually sunny. When it's sunny something inside smiles...and something outside if I can get outside in it too...

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