Saturday 13 May 2017

Work, rest and play

Gosh my bed felt comfortable last night! I give thanks for being very tired but, remarkably, not in very much pain considering all I've done with my body the last few days. I give thanks for not having to get up and out for anything today, resting my body but giving my brain a good workout working out some new crossword puzzle clues. This was always on the agenda but even more appealing after being asked if I'd like to post them on the main local library Facebook page and thus unleash them on a wider audience.

I give thanks for unfocussed ambling between various low impact, low key tasks and pastimes, including knitting a few rows of Bob's 'Christmas' jumper which is not even going to make his birthday now...but will be most welcome when the autumn winds begin to blow again, I'm sure. Not long after the spring ones have stopped at this rate. I give thanks for some semi horizontal window shopping for a lightweight jumper on ebay...and not finding one to buy!

Also long overdue on the agenda was 'mending' a guitar string by putting a Spanish twist on the end where the ball had come off. This was more to do with the bad Feng Shui of a dangling wire above my head then any aspirations to play again. I mean we know I can't really play any more don't we (not that I could ever really play, of course) but because it was on the bent machine head and my weak left hand had to have help from the right to turn it to tighten it it seemed the effort would be otherwise wasted if I didn't carry on and tune it up...and as you kind of play to tune it, well there had to be a bit of a twiddle as well... and fumbly and stumbly as this was it always makes me laugh out loud with joy as well as chagrin, so much thanks for that. And the guitar has yet to go back on its hanger so, who knows, maybe I'll twiddle a bit more tomorrow if my fingers and the neighourbours can stand it. I never was much of a strummer, always a twiddler, so take from that what you may...but from the way my hands feel now I'd best go and chop the veg for tea while I can. I give thanks there's one of my favourite quick fix dishes on the menu tonight...

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