Monday 25 June 2018

A whiter shade of pale

I give thanks I only bought a very small piece of furniture to do up last week as it's been stuck in the kitchen receiving very little attention since then. One day I washed it... A little light sanding happened gradually after that... Today, after two or three days back in the land of something like living as far as pain is concerned, I give thanks for finally catching up enough with laundry and other non negotiable chores to start to apply creamy water based paint to some of its surfaces. I give thanks for really limiting everything else on the agenda so I could get three coats on these and that my hand only seized up right at the end of the last one. In the shop they said to leave it alone to harden for a couple of days after that - no problem at all methinks!

It's not turning out particularly perfectly and I was feeling a bit meh about that, as I used to be so much better at pretty much everything I do and the decline does get me down. And then I remembered hey, but I'm actually doing it myself, albeit very slowly and rather messily and that is something to be super grateful for these days.

I give thanks for getting comfy on the sofa to write this after clearing up and congratulating myself on not having had a nap...before falling fast asleep of course!

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