Saturday 2 June 2018

Everyone's gone to the moon

I give thanks I didn't go to the party. I mean I rarely fit in anywhere but these people were dressed as fruit and veg (plus a chef)! It was lovely to see them though, out in the garden posing for photos...It cheered me up on a difficult evening with pain, fretting over the work capability assessment form and what my latest blood tests will show. Just one of those is bad enough - all three at once is tricksy, I can tell you! The only way I deal with all that's wrong with me is not to think about it, thinking about it makes it feel much worse...

I give thanks for phone games and a book to see me through achy parts of the night.

I give thanks for another  book from Ann, and my morning sideways skim of the paper front pages. It's not the so-called news that fascinates but the way it's presented - the language and layout choices, the black and white 'them and us' attitudes... But most especially the non-headline front page stories. I'm sure there's a technical term for these lifestyle lures - buy me and be the kind of person who needs to know what a famous person said, or see pictures of more stuff you might like to buy, dishes you'd like to recreate to feel that you can cook, places you might like to stay and pretend to be someone else for a while... Gee sometimes I'm grateful I'm only nominally part of the human race, it all looks so complicated!

I give thanks for getting out to do my bits in town, and for not falling asleep in Mimas deserted courtyard when I stopped to have a rest... For meeting a few people to pass the time of day with, as they say, including a cab driver I've not seen for a while... For Mr Tesco making some me some food again when I arrived home exhausted...and it actually being rather nice! Ready meals are damn useful when I'm tired and sore, but rarely something I'd otherwise choose...

I give thanks for Facebook posts, the sounds of wedding bells and aircraft going to and from the show reminding me of people enjoying their day. For watching tennis matches and thinking that sums it up - same event viewed so differently from different sides of the net.

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