Friday 15 June 2018

Close to the edge

I give thanks for a day not overloaded with gratitude drawing to a close... Being tired and sore can sometimes make everything seem a bit glum, and certainly hard work, so I was giving thanks for the leftover food made yesterday and settling on the sofa to see how far I could get with tacking on the edging for my patchwork before my hands seized up when I discovered faults in part of the trim that meant a good deal of it would have to be unpicked! Grrr... Oh well, I give thanks for the practice in two sorts of non-attachment plus the fact that I was tacking the binding first not machining it straight on - that would have been much more annoying to undo. I give thanks for the ebay seller responding straight away and promising to send a replacement too. And for a large bowl of sherry trifle to cheer me up!

I give thanks for getting some household chores done in between a lot of dossing about. For discovering an old but recently repeated series on BBC4 about science fiction. Lots of vintage futuristic visuals to please my geeky eyes... For watching a cop on their tea break playing with his drone (this is not a euphemism!)

I give thanks for finally getting through to radiology for an X-ray appointment, and that I can have one fairly nearby...but not for a few weeks. I give thanks no one thinks there's anything serious the matter with my foot... but I'd still rather there was nothing at all.

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