Saturday 23 June 2018

All around my hat

I give thanks for managing to take in some of the free stuff at the folk festival here...the Morris dancers seem to be particularly entertaining this year! For places to sit in the sunshine and watch as my ankle would really rather I'd stayed at home watching tennis... I give thanks for being able to record that for when I got back.

Rather tired this morning, I give thanks for also preparing tea for when I got back when I finally got out of bed. ..and for popping back under the covers for a rest when that and putting right an avalanche of possessions waiting to be packed if I should be so lucky just wore me out too much.

I give thanks for meeting Mima and her bringing cake she'd purchased in her travels. For catching up with The Bridge. I've enjoyed the previous series but this one is the best! I watch much more TV than I used to now, but much of it is with half an eye on something else as it doesn't really enthrall me. The last couple of episodes of The Bridge have had my full attention though...I've even sat upright so those unexpected sofa naps don't happen!

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