Wednesday 6 June 2018

All around the world

With apologies to the planet for the air miles, I give thanks for a very tasty (con)fusion tea - cooking some rather mangey old cauliflower, carrots and potatoes with onion and peas in Thai green curry sauce, adding crunchy peanut butter to the mix and rice and quinoa on the side.

For enjoying this while catching up with an astonishingly dramatic and emotionally demanding tennis match from earlier in the day. One of the best I (and all the commentators) have ever seen. For then catching an old Midsomer Murders I'd never come across before and, in instalments, managing two whole rows of knitting before my hands began to seize up!

For making it through a night of mean dreams, pain, discomfort and distress. All the literature suggests one should talk to family and friends about difficult feelings, but not everyone has those sort of relationships and I give thanks at least I know I don't, and don't overshare with people who'd rather I didn't.

I give humongous thanks for my knee being better, and all my other aches and pains being under control, so I was able to actually enjoy going about my business for the first time in a couple of weeks. For my lovely neighbours, including whoever it was who left a bouquet by the bins where the chap's body was, with a note saying 'I don't know who you were but you didn't deserve to die like this'. For the staff in the opticians, doctor's, pharmacy, shops and cafés for making my sad mood dissipate a little...and for the brilliant busker on the Triangle singing love songs and bringing it back, but in a good way...with a takeaway tea and a spot of Viennese pâtisserie... For Nick the cab driver being back on the rank so there was a nice ride home, and for the consultant calling me 'delightful' in her report. I've seen this before in my medical notes, and suspect it's code for 'won't stop talking' (or worse) but it's still pleasant to hear you're pleasant even if you're not sure it's true.

I give thanks for all the people enjoying planning or going on holidays. I ran into one of the few folk I know who isn't on one...and she proceeded to talk about travel. I give thanks I had a legitimate excuse to get away... even if 'getting away' is impossible. Oh and I give thanks I've come up with a response for the next time someone suggests I've had 'enough' trips already. I shall ask 'Have you had enough drinks?'

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