Wednesday 27 June 2018

Up on the roof

If you'd asked me I would have described yesterday as restful but bits of my body kept waking me up in the night to tell me how unrested they felt. What about the carrying things, they said.What about the steps? The carrying things up and down steps? Oh well...I'm grateful the pleasure was worth the pain.

I give thanks I didn't have a great deal to get done today, confining myself to essentials. I give thanks for more processing laundry, more phoning solicitors and emailing estate agents to encourage them to go through their processes with a little less input from me, and making my bed properly again to perhaps encourage restful sleep.  I give thanks I made granola...though I kept smelling it cooling afterwards as I lay snoozing on the sofa and thinking I'd left the oven on!

I give thanks for a message from Bob recommending a series of podcasts about serial killers. I didn't pick it up straight away as I was watching some programmes on catch up about serial killers.

I thought about resting in the gardens with a book but I give thanks I decided one trip down and up the stairs to collect surgical supplies from the courier was enough. On the doorstep I found a scaffolder erecting as one might say... Let's not get over excited.

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