Saturday 22 September 2018

I want to break free

Well, I give thanks I got some mind is going n-n-n-n-nineteen to the dozen at the moment formulating contingency plans for various scenarios so not as much as I might do. I give thanks for getting something to eat - menu planning not being on the menu right now. There's no point getting a Tesco order when I'm trying to run stocks down (they charge extra if you underspend) and I've not had time to shop so it's mostly random snacks, but still...

I give thanks for discovering lemon curd on porridge is lush! For it dawning on me you don't have to have a fitted kitchen - it's just one way of providing storage and work surface that's become a cultural trend, like a three piece suite was a way to provide seating. Whole new vistas beckon when you set yourself free from pre conceived ideas (and pre-cut chunks of MDF!)

I give thanks for Christine offering a temporary home for all my plants should one be required, including transportation. This is a great relief as if I do move into this new flat there will be plenty of room for them to grow...

I give thanks for the chilly wet and windy day, just right for taking it easy. I've sorted out some more things to take to the recycling centre, made a few useful phone calls and packed one more box but now my trust issues have kicked in and I'm loath to go much further with moving related stuff until I'm sure it's really happening. I give thanks this means I can doss around for a bit...I'm in need of a bit of that. That's why I can't be bothered to work out why this paragraph has gone odd!

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