Thursday 27 September 2018

It's a mystery

I give thanks I don't bite my nails or smoke or drink any more - these days of uncertainty could be very bad for bad habits!

I give thanks after adopting the feeble position for many hours I was able to perform the necessary tasks to make it outdoors today and enjoy the unseasonably warm sunshine. For there being empty seats now the tourists have thinned out though the buses are still crowded. I give thanks there's still pollen for the bees...

I give thanks for plenty of well chosen programmes recorded to keep my mind distracted when the pain was especially bad last night. I particularly enjoyed the first two episodes of Mystery Road, an Aussie series with stunning cinematography and a good soundtrack to complement interesting characters and storyline.

I give thanks for going on a couple of dates a couple of years back with a chap who lent me the excellent Sapiens...then scuttled back to his ex so I got to keep the book! I then lent it to Rachel, and now she's lent me the sequel Homo Deus where I've been reading about the origin of lawns - a cultural aspiration that makes even less sense than three piece suites and fitted kitchens I was pondering upon the other day. Even in paperback it is a mighty tome tho so I give thanks for a skinnier novel to take out today...ooh and a pastel de nata to bring home. How come what is essentially a Portuguese custard tart is so delicious while the English sort is so dull?

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