Sunday 9 September 2018

Little brown jug

OK, it's not particularly little or brown but the quintessential jugginess is undeniable. I fell in love with its shape and brought it home from the recycling centre some time ago. It had been bright yellow with some geometric pattening and a previous owner had, not unreasonably but not very skillfully, tried to repaint it white. There were thick swirls and drips in some places and a thin flaky skim in others. I'd thought I might try some fancy refinishing but it just languished in the cupboard for years...until yesterday when I decided to daub over the daubs with some leftover chalk paint. I give thanks I now consider it fit to grace my slightly rearranged bathroom as I still can't face unpacking boxes and replacing pretty things that were there before. I've not been fortunate enough to have had many homes that have felt good to live in but I give thanks for taking the trouble to make them look as nice as I can. I think it helps a bit...

Between coats I had a major telly fest and I gave thanks for a second Columbo which randomly turned out to have Leonard Nimoy as the villain after William Shatner had been the bad guy in the first! I also watched the excellent film Spotlight about the team of reporters uncovering the concealment of abuse by Catholic priests in Boston. I give thanks for all scared and ashamed children who have somebody safe and helpful to tell.

Sadly painting made my soreness much worse, but it was very noisy here today with whining power tools, and yelling children and Mr Upstairs turning his radio up to drown it out so I give thanks I thought I'd try sitting in the warm sunshine to see if that eased the pain. As it turned out to be very noisy outside too with jetskis and dogs and tourists everywhere and much more uncomfortable to move around or sit still I give thanks for giving up and going back to bed!

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