Friday 7 September 2018

Second hand rose

I give thanks for the pretty sky long after sunset yesterday, in shades of Prussian blue. For the bright shiny mornings we've had lately and for being able to see them from my bed...

I give thanks for getting my proverbial into gear eventually and finding the sun still out and surprisingly warm out of the breeze...and for buying this fabulous tapestry coat in a charity shop for when it isn't any more. Apparently many have wished it was rather I give thanks that I am not!

There seemed to be queues everywhere today and lots of walking in between so I give thanks for rewarding my swollen and sore foot with a sit down for light refreshments... and after picking up books from the library and from Ann at the PO, prescription, pills, parsley and a catalogue parcel, for a jolly (and jolly necessary!) ride home with Phil the taxi driver.

I give thanks the peacefulness of neighbours being mostly elsewhere. For cleaning my bathroom until it bings, and for coming up with a way to arrange things so it seems a little more spacious. If you've seen this tiny room you might not be convinced this is possible. Well, I'll let you know when I've given it a go... Not now though, I need a rest!

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