Saturday 15 September 2018

My generation

I give thanks for the fabulous warm sunny weather generating enough enthusiasm to get outdoors. I was in a lot of pain so couldn't walk far, and when I got to the bus stop I realised I'd left my pass on the table so couldn't ride far either - which is not necessarily a bad thing because it's so hard to get a decent seat with the marauding hoards of grey gangsters everywhere. On the way back a bunch of them were so keen to be together (so they could share their fruit pastilles it seemed) they were elbowing their way onto the vehicle like schoolkids at home time do...I give thanks I'm unlikely to live to get old. It seems you have to be rather selfish and rude and wear apalling clothing!

I give thanks for a cuppa and some gluten free carrot cake in the quietest spot I could get to. For remembering with fondness the deserted beaches of the Scilly Isles up winding lush hedgerowed lanes. For buying a pair of Mustang pumps in a fetching taupey grey which I can't pretend I need but which cheered me up a bit.

For the yachts strung out on the horizon in a race and imagining being healthy. For the church bells ringing for a wedding and imagining being loved. For the velvet grey of cygnets...and a parrot on a balcony!

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