Wednesday 19 September 2018

Stir it up

My life has been a tapestry of rich and royal hue...and very tangled knotty yarn! I give thanks for contacting the estate agent to see when they were going to start advertising my flat again and they told me the buyer had an extension on their mortgage offer so the deal wasn't off yet, although this is still dependent on the freeholder sorting out the lease. Before you all start hitting the 'like' button, bear in mind the new offer nobody thought to mention expires in 2 weeks! My solicitor says they didn't know anything about it...and they don't know whether the purchase on the new place is officially not happening, it could all go ahead, or the sale could go through but I could have nowhere to move to, while all the stuff you'd normally sort out in the run up to vacating a property, including arranging some extra funds and an actual physical removal hasn't been done. I feel I should be fretting more, but you know what? I am (presumably temporarily) fresh out of fret! Maybe there is just too much confusion and uncertainty for normal human fret to encompass it, let alone for someone in my state of disrepair with matters of renal expiration on my mind! I give thanks for not letting it get to my blood pressure anyway as it's Aranesp day and it has to be low for that...

I give thanks for a quiet day neighbour wise. For pottering about with chores useful whatever may transpire like sorting through some more papers and clothes. I give thanks for the sound of the wind in the crisping leaves. For lots of cups of mugs of Earl Grey tea and not a great deal of pain.

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