Saturday 8 September 2018

If I had a hammer...

...or then again, no! Hammer I have and can use it, but if I knew someone with a car and a saw and half an hour's kindness to spare my hanging could be hanging properly. In the meantime I give thanks until I have to put the winter door curtain back I can use that pole...and an extension rod I also took down during my fit of premature anticipation. It's turned out a bit of a botch job but I give thanks it's done and that I still like it enough to want to look at it as I pass by...

I've been very tired today, and sore in lots of places so I give thanks for giving myself lots of rest in between the challenges of attaching sequins and string. I give thanks for a grey day and an old Columbo.

I had a big think while I was away and decided I must not only must I try to find ways to go away more, I must also try to find new ways to fit more creativity in my life as long loved hobbies become so hard. Recreation? Well, it seems I can do OK without most forms of that much as I might pine now and then... but not so creation. The need to make manifest the sounds, images and so on that appear in our minds is a family trait, and many of us have made at least some of our living by it. Obviously there's no chance of me doing that any more, I'm rarely going to be pleasing anyone myself, but since I've had to ration these activities I've realised how essential to my (relative) wellbeing it they are.

Of course, I've thought all manner of things were essential to my well being before and then had to learn to live without them so I give thanks for also knowing nothing really matters at's just nice to kid yourself it does now and then.

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