Monday 8 April 2019


I give thanks I didn't die today. There were a few minutes when it felt as if I might before I managed to press the bell and mumble something. Luckily it turned out to be merely my blood pressure plummeting and I only drifted off very briefly, but as I did, still not fully appraised of the situation, I give thanks for preparing for the great beyond. And that after a recuperative rest I was prepared for a cup of tea and a couple of hobnobs when the trolley came round.

Probably being extra tired didn't help. as my bags and tubes woke me up three times in the night to be sorted before I gave up and filled them up with a cup of tea. I give thanks this helped me drift off again for a little while before I had to get up and get ready for the day which includes making my lunch, spending over an hour with Kate the Advocacy Officer filling in the PIP form, having a bit of a to-do with the taxi driver who was of the type who insist they are in the right place to pick me up even though (funnily enough) I am of the opinion I know better. I give thanks for a chair instead of a horrid hospital bed and that the machine by its side refused to co-operate for a while so that I was late starting treatment but, as I had a vascular access appointment down the corridor afterwards, had to finish early. I give thanks for appreciating the irony that, after all that faffing about getting a fistula that worked I may now have to have more surgery to stop it working so well...

I give thanks Rachel is due this evening and though it would be nice to go home and prepare for that, the taxi is prebooked and can't be I'm also grateful for a seat in the sunshine outside the unit and the time to catch up with this

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