Monday 23 December 2019


I give thanks for a mild bright day to be out and about, especially as on the bus in the slow traffic I could appreciate the views for much longer! For one of those fave sausage free rolls to sustain me when the bus back appeared to be extremely delayed... plus a little bottle of Folkingtons pink lemonade to wash it down, a new one to me and a great find. Heavens I could even open the top! For the excellent local to the end of the route market hall supplying this and a couple of health food items I couldn't get at the local to me Co op. For that shop having some excellent bargains this morning however - some of which were actually what I'd gone in for! For my fridge and freezer being very snugly filled for a few days without shopping.

I give thanks for a cafe catch up with Mima during which, on the umpteenth attempt of the day, I managed to confirm some transport queries. I'm very grateful for the free hospital transport provided but it takes up an astonishing amount of my 'free' time trying to keep it correct and correct it when it's wrong, so I give thanks as well for having the wits and wherewithal to participate in this and not merely be at its mercy.

I give thanks for a nap when I got home to try to refill the sleep gap from the night when I gave up and did some jigsaw. For the feeling of freedom that comes from knowing I don't have to be anywhere but hospital for the next few days. Freedom seems to be a smaller sort of experience than it used to be, so I'm very grateful I know it can really only ever be a condition of the mind.

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