Friday 6 December 2019


I groaned when I saw the size of the vehicle I had to clamber up into today, with my joints still protesting about the amount of movement involved in yesterday. Oh but there were different noises when a portion of our road was blocked so we had to take a lush country lane detour, and the high seat meant I had a much better view than in a car! The driver could talk for England, but I forgave him for giving my ears such a battering as my eyes were having such a wonderful treat meanwhile. I'm grateful for hospital and public transport, and for the odd functional journeys friends sometimes provide, but scenic drives are almost unheard of these days and they do my soul such good! We came into the city a different way as well and I gave thanks for seeing streets I remember from living there many moons ago.

I give thanks when I got to my place on the ward the lady who had scared us all last time was not only there, but looking fine again. She is an ideal across the bay companion, being friendly but not chatty so we can exchange a few pleasantries and then leave each other be. Poor woman, she likes a nap during treatment though and she hardly got a chance to close her eyes today without someone asking if she was OK. I give thanks it's Friday night and I now have two days off, though an early start on Monday as I've appointments before dialysis starts. A weekend is never enough however, don't kid yourself on my behalf that it might be as workers often only have two days off in a row. Workers have holidays as well, sometimes more than one a year...and odd extra days maybe here and there...and sick leave...and retirement at the end. They are not slaves to the machine in nearly the same way. Nonetheless I give thanks the machine left me feeling fairly lively today, or perhaps more accurately...leaving the building in which it is housed. I give thanks foe getting stuck into a few jobs straight away, including rustling up some food, so now I can settle down and rest and eat it.

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