Sunday 22 December 2019


I give thanks for taxi drivers who remind me how lucky I am to be single and not mingling even a bit! For the beauties of winter, the trees in their naked glory and the blessing of living somewhere with four seasons to enjoy. For the jolly atmosphere on the ward as it's the last day for some of the staff, they are laden with gifts and have time with loved ones to look forward to. For having a side room again so I could listen to some meditation music and have a snooze despite all the raucous laughter. I reckon they'd been on the sherry but they assured me they're much worse when they have! t. For having a side room again so I could listen to some meditation music and have a snooze despite all the raucous laughter. I reckon they'd been on the sherry but they assured me they're much worse when they have!

I give thanks for valiant attempts to fix my internet last night. Never thought I'd miss an nte5 but at least with a screw you know what to do! For hotspot and data access via my mobile so I could also attempt to raise a fault on line but they've redesigned that as well and I had to phone someone in BT repair - ugh! Eventually I was advised the exchange had also been updated and my router was obsolete, so all my plugging and unplugging and turning things off and on again had been quite pointless really. I give thanks for being told a free replacement should be with me on Christmas Eve but as that's going to be a dialysis day best not to rely on it being received. I give thanks I bought a TV guide so I can see what's on without the internet dependent epg and also for ensuring it's turned to the right page as doing what I usually do on Monday means I keep forgetting it's Sunday today

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