Saturday 14 December 2019


I'm tired and I'm sore and I'm very grateful it's because I've been getting on with things! I'm also grateful there are not so many folk in my life these days who choose to tell me what they think I should choose to do with my time and energy - it really is a waste of theirs!

I give thanks for waking up late and after a sudden start remembering it was OK to do so, a bit of a rare treat these days. For the weather staying fine while I was out. For a kilted bagpipe player on the street. It was interesting to note how many people were saying it sounded like a strangled cat. Have they actual experience of pet abuse to compare...or did someone else say it sometime and they thought it sounded clever? The pipes are Marmite of course, and others are entitled a difference of opinion but they were one of the first musical instruments I encountered when I was a wee girl living Over the Sea to Skye and always set off some hiraeth - to mix the national metaphors!

I give thanks for a programme about the fabulous annual decoration displays at Chatsworth. I love a bit of seasonal sparkle and I give thanks for being able to enjoy some of the lit up windows and gardens in domestic homes nearby. Also for still being hopeful I'll get a few twinkly bits of my own sorted out before too long. There's one just small section of wall to be painted before I'll be happy to leave the rest, move some furniture back into place and see if any deckies I have are fit to use. I give thanks none of the above is scheduled to happen tonight - I've had a veggie burger in a bun with rice salad and I'm too full to move!

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