Sunday 3 May 2020


So yesterday I was giving thanks for all that I'd done...and today I've been grateful for all I haven't! For taking it easy like Sunday morning well into the afternoon, and for now as the evening is progressing for considering various tasks I might still undertake and thinking Nah, I can't be bothered! For appreciating what a blessing it is to be able to go peaceably with the flow - at least some of the time anyway!

I give thanks for realising The State of Happiness on BBC4 wasn't a documentary (though it would probably have been interesting if so!) but a new drama series set in mostly in Norway in 1969. Oh the clothes and buildings and cars and music! Storyline seems quite good too 😀 For the delicious pie I ate whole watching it. The pastry was bought ready made but the filling was all my own unusually successful work!

I give thanks for making Tuesday's tea. It's a curry and they're always better for keeping, plus it will be an extra hospital day this time to avoid trying to do a two treatment Friday while I'm in the wrong part of the county. They're hard enough to sort out when I'm simply in different parts of the same site so I'm looking forward to avoiding that side of the stress and hassle anyway.

I give thanks for living here every day but it dawned on me recently how extra grateful I am not to be in lockdown where I lived before. And even more so that I'm not in the temporary accommodation I had in between!

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