Monday 4 May 2020


I give thanks the masks we renal patients wear during travel, treatment (and the waiting in between) not only offer some two way resistance to bugs, but also conceal any grimacing, gritting or grinding of teeth that may ensue during the process! For them also muffling snores and stopping unseemly displays of food and fillings during the naps we tend to have...

I give thanks, though lying back with my eyes closed, I hadn't managed to settle in to one of those when the machine started repeatedly sounding its extremely intrusive alarm. And I'm grateful it wasn't anything life threatening setting it off as the poor staff were having a very trying afternoon and took what seemed like ages to respond.

I give thanks for some busyness since I've been home. For finally putting up the Buddha hanging I bought not long after I moved in but kept hidden away from the decorating messiness...and then had to decide where I'd like it to be and how to make it stay there. I give thanks it's up at last despite several hiccups and trips up and down the ladder on the way...and for keeping reminding myself not to be too attached to the idea of attaching it to the wall!

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