Friday 22 May 2020


I was grateful it was more overcast this morning, with a chilly wind and lingering dampness in the air from sea mist during the night as this meant I was less drawn to summery clothing choices. The cancer treatment I'm having means I should always have a side room (every cloud!) but there's no guarantee which one and if I get the chilliest space, with two outside walls and windows, and the chilliest nurse who insists they be left open so staff who are in the main ward don't get too hot in their masks, it can get rather uncomfortable. There's a reason why we have a blood temperature, and when your blood is outside your body cooling in a cross draft on a breezy corner you sure do notice the change!

For remembering to load up with downloads on my tablet as many of the spaces have no wifi signal, and for having my mp3 player to hand in the taxis as if I fail to respond enthusiastically enough to whatever they wish to say drivers often turn the radio on or up and the speakers are usually in the back with me!

I give thanks for an episode of The Good Place making me laugh harder than I have laughed for longer than I can remember. I had to pause it so I could return to the important business of breathing! For being set up for treatment super quickly and being excited at the weekend starting sooner...though not having transport home booked correctly cancelled that advantage out. For Julie delivering some collected items I'd clicked and a good catch up with her cancelling out the effects of the most exasperating mansplainer who ever drove a cab. I wonder if his wife gives thanks when he's working?

For spotting a buzzard hovering over woodland on the way to the unit and something smaller but passed too fast to identify above a hedgerow on the way back. For the glories of the local countryside and the blessing of a two non-hospital days ahead.                   

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