Saturday 23 May 2020


I give thanks for so far sticking to Plan A and taking it easy like Sunday morning for pretty much all of today... with an option to continue tomorrow!

I've been reflecting on how easy it is to think other people have it easy. There's probably folk who think apart from those pesky health problems my life's quite a doddle - don't have to work, or even reclaim benefits for a while. No car to keep on the road (literally or metaphorically!), no shopping to fetch, no garden to maintain or close relationships to nurture. Sometimes in the current situation however I've thought maybe a partner, a vehicle (especially a camper van!) and a personal outside space might improve the quality of my I'd love to have a look around the newly re-opened corner store across the road. Ah that green grass gets you every time doesn't it?

I give thanks for a stiff breeze helping to keep me content to be at home and the visitors away, likewise for the work on the sea wall which means no access to that section of walkway or beach. For simple craft projects and cooking to break up a lot of rather even less demanding book reading and watching TV. For also seeing a silent movie enacted across the road where a man was ranting at his female companion for several minutes with a range of angry and aggressive gestures, while she mostly hung her head only lifting it once to say something with her hand on her heart before he stormed off. This made me sad and she looked crestfallen too so I was glad when she walked off in the other direction, and hoped she'd gone home to pack! I was grateful for a timely reminder there are worse situations than being alone, and how fortunate I am not to be spending lockdown with such a downer of a companion.

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