Saturday 9 May 2020


I've been feeling rather weary and dreary today so, though I've enjoyed some virtual communication with friends, I've also been grateful for some solitude to just be with my emotions and not have to fake for the sake of others. For remembering we all have a lot to deal with just now both practically and psychologically in our own individual ways...and trying to think compassionately about the people whose ways I would prefer to be different.

I give thanks for the sauntering gang of almost grown up swans making it slowly but safely down the road past my window to the sea yesterday evening... thank goodness it's a one way street! For settling down intending to watch half of the rather long 22nd July before bed and finding it too gripping to stop.

I give thanks for hazy sunshine adding a slow paced feel to the day. For the continuing peacefulness compared to the usual hubbub of a popular day trip town. For the hair where my bald patches were now grown long enough to curl instead of just poking straight up...and for some more sown seeds sprouting on the window sill. What fun to garden without digging, weeding or slugs!

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