Wednesday 24 February 2021


I give thanks for eventually getting some sleep despite great difficulties getting my body comfortable, and those after midnight mind games many of us suffer from. For less pain this morning though I wasn't at all keen to get going and was grateful my taxi driver sent me a text saying the Wavewalker was on the very slow move, so that spurred me on to sort myself out and make a little fish finger sandwich to eat while I watched. I give thanks for fascinating engineering and an amiable and admirably socially distant crowd. Also for the carpet of purple crocuses outside my window but concealed from view by taller plants - some sort of euphorbia maybe, it's been a while since I did any gardening.

I give thanks I was still tired enough to have a long nap on the ward, as I got the distinct impression the women there were not pleased to see me back again, glaring and ignoring my attempts at being friendly. For understanding I'm a total failure at a particular kind of female small talk which involves taking it in turns to talk about yourself rather than actually conversing, and not much cop about complaining about my medical complaints (or the trials of Covid!) which is apparently another bonding process...For the taxi driver and male nurse not seeming to mind my lack of these social skills...

I give thanks my friend Lynn is still with us, thought it's sad she now understands my difficulties with hospital treatment so much better than she did before. I always think of her when I have a fish finger sandwich!

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